2014年10月30日 星期四



There is a rock band makes me feel incredible. They are "Aerosmith". 

The life of this band is quite long. They form the band since 1970, and they still play music today.
As usual, I love the emotion in the music.
The emotion is the most important factor in my decision that a song is good or bad.
Sometimes, they even can make me cry. Because the singer's soulful cry.

The song "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"
The song debuted at number one on the U.S. billboard hot 100(告示牌熱門100單曲) for four weeks.----- by wiki

Besides the singer, the guitar is also very sensual.
For example,the guitar is so great in the song"Cryin' ".
The fragment starts from 3'40'' is a broken high pitch which makes a great climax in this song.

My favorite song they perform is the "Dream on"(The album version)
And the live version

I like the broken voice of the singer at most. 
His voice always makes me intoxicated.

Hope you also like these songs.                     174words

2014年10月16日 星期四

Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)

Hello! This time I want to introduce a band I have practiced the most songs of it.
It’s the Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)
The representative totem of them is a skull with bat wings.

Like this

They were a metalcore band before, but they have transformed to heavy metal.
(In fact, the difference is using “screaming” in the music)
I admire that they try so many music styles.
Their songs usually use raplots of chorus, like the song: “nightmare”.
(Its MV is a little disgusting…)

They try the rockabilly(鄉村搖滾)
The song: “Dear God”( The melody of this song is quite warm and gentle.)

They combine their music with symphony. (Just prelude is symphony.)
The song: “Afterlife”

The unique song of them: “warmness on the soul”. The song is in memory of the band’s drummer who died in 2009. I have never seen them live performances of this song. The melody is so grieved.

Thanks for your listening^^

2014年10月10日 星期五


Sorry, I'm late.

This time I want to introduce the Taiwanese band "信樂團".
Almost everyone had heard their songs. They have lots of  famous songs, like "一了百了","千年之戀","天高地厚","海闊天空",and so on. However, most people just feel the vocalist's pitch is very high and feel their music is noisy.
In fact, their songs is very delicate. The members in this band are experienced.
They always can play the music come from their deep heart.

My favorite song of 信樂團 ,"不會消失的夜晚"

信樂團 cover the song "桂花巷" of 潘越雲
They adapt the arrange(編曲) in this song. 

Though they was so amazing, unfortunately, the vocalist 信 leaved the band in 2007.

Since he breaking up, he changed his way to singing. So, we can't hear the 信樂團 anymore...

信 solo

The latest news is they find a new vocalist 劉文杰 from China.
The video is the new vocalist attends a competition "中國最強音"

And this is the new song of 信樂團 playing with 劉文杰

Though 信樂團 isn't a internationally famous rock and roll band, it is still one of the bands I like most.

2014年10月2日 星期四


hi. I'm Wu Cheng-Hsiu. Welcome to my blog. I'll introduce some great rock band in this blog.

First band I want to recommend is ONE OK ROCK(in picture) . It's a Japanese rock band formed in 2005. They are young, but a strength band.

The masterpiece of ONE OK ROCK(I love this song very much!!! ) ↓
wherever you are (live)

The song makes them become famous overnight. ↓

Taka(森田貴寬) , the vocalist in ONE OK ROCK. I love his voice very much. His voice can be soft whisper, or even powerful scream. 
His English pronunciation is very standard,and there are so many English lyrics in their songs.
My high school classmate says he really thought they are American band before he heard Japanese lyrics...

The elegant and gentle song(very peaceful :D) ↓

The powerful song ↓

The reason why I love this band , because their musical style is always changing. No matter what musical style they try, they can play it well.

And I also like the screamo Taka uses very much. It always can penetrate into my deep heart. 

By the way, Taka's little brother(森內寬樹) is also a vocalist of  rock band "MY FIRST STORY"
This is his picture:
And this is the song by MY FIRST STORY:
Second Limit

I almost cannot identify which voice is TaKa which voice is his brother...

All in all, I love ONE OK ROCK so much. If some day they held a concert in Taiwan, I will rush to buy the ticket!!!

Oh... I forgot to explain why I choose this topic...

n....It's very difficult to explain why a person love rock 'n' roll music. They just love it , and can't lose it in their life.

I love rock music very much. So I choose this topic.It's a simple answer, but it can't be denial.