2014年12月7日 星期日


Angra is Brazil metal band.
Their genres is progressive metal.
You can feel that their music is full of power. The drum is at high speed and the guitar is also wild.

Most of their songs are at high pitch. So,even in the hot music club seldom people try to practice their songs.

Let's watch to the video to how high the pitch is.

The masterpiece of them, "Carry On"

All the instruments players in this band are quite amazing. Though everyone in this band is good, they play so harmoniously. 

My favorite song of them,"Lisbon"

Their music is not the kind we often listen to or contact, but we can accept it slowly.
Because they are create a new kind of music.

The song "Nova Era" is also one of their famous songs.
The powerful music and the overwhelming melody make the song pleasant to listen to.


2014年11月30日 星期日

Guns n' Roses

Guns and Roses is an American rock band. They have so many fans around the world.
Their songs are very attractive. Though, many people may be confuse when listen to their songs first time. The voice of their vocalist, Axl Rose, is weird. It's powerful but like scratching glasses...(I don't know how to describe the voice)
However, their songs addict many people.

Sweet Child O' Mine
You can hear the lead guitar played by Slash.
He is a great guitarist and very famous. So many people like his playing.
Though he left the Guns n' Rose, he left lots of classical songs.
He always wears a high hat and always playing the guitars of gibson.

Gibson guitar
My favorite song of them: Don't Cry.
The distressed melody and singer's voice make me fall madly.

Don't Cry

When Axl Rose whisper gently, you will be caught in their song. 
Just like this song: Estranged.


total 152 words

2014年11月20日 星期四


When I was in senior high, I started to listen to Mr.Big.
The first song I listen to is "Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy". The guitarist in our band loves the song so much. Because the song has a classic plot that the guitarist will use the electric drill to play the guitar !!! 
Just like in this picture.
So we performed this song in the carnival in our school.
He really prepare a electric drill... XD

Music is fun. 

The video is the song "Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy" in the concert. 

Mr.Big is a American rock band. 
The vocal is so strong that when you first time listen to their songs you will love them.
Their best-selling single is the unplug song "To Be With You". In this song, the singing voice is so warm and gentle. When you listen to the song you will feel that you are in the happiness.
"To Be With You"

My favorite song of them is "Stranger In My Life".
The song is great in the bass, and the melody is also beautiful. That's why I like this song.
"Stranger In My Life"
My good friend 吳俊儀(Who is called 交大楊培安 by his college classmates^^) performed the song in the senior high school club result presentation. So I have deeper felling of the song.

The special version of the song which is called "live from the living room"!?
It's really in a living room.
Why in the living room???????
Is it a good place to play music???????

Total 254 words

2014年11月13日 星期四


The vocalist of "L'arc~en~Ciel",Hyde,is a interesting person.He is part French,part Japanese.
Undeniably,he is a handsome guy or even a beauty...
Though he is some kind of...pussy...(It's just my opinion..) He has lots of female fans.
His voice is both elegant and powerful.The varied voice makes him attractive.

L'arc~en~Ciel is a Japanese band. Its name means "rainbow" in French. It's a mysterious band.Even the local mass media know little about the members of this band.
↑ three songs of L'arc~en~Ciel
0:18 HONEY
4:06 READY
8:25 Niji(虹)

Their video are very hard to find. They attach great importance to the copyright issue.
So, I just find this video that more clearly to watch.

I recommend the third song "Niji" in this video. I spent so much time looking for the video of the song.
And the song is a masterpiece of them.The song even named from their band's name. Niji also means "rainbow" in Japanese

L'arc~en~ciel often disband temporarily. The members of them will doing another kind of music.
Hyde formed a new band "VAMPS". The style is different from L'arc~en~ciel. 

two songs of VAMPS

the live performing version (I don't know why I can't find the video in this blog)


total words:216

2014年11月8日 星期六

Tokyo Jihen (Tokyo Incidents)

Some day I heard the song"私生活" of tokyo incidents in Youtube inadvertently.It makes me cry. Though i even don't know what she says. I don't understand Japanese,but the sensation comes from my heart.
Unfortunately, the video is removed on Youtube,and I have no way to find the video.

I stored the voice of  the live video in my computer. So, I post the song just voice.
Though you can't view the video, I believe even the voice can touch you, too.

This song supports me through every time I feel alone.

Back to the topic.That me talk about Tokyo Jihen (東京事變)
It's a Japanese band formed by 椎名林檎(the vocalist). Before she formed the band, she is already a solo singer. So, there are so many fans of her listen to her new band.
The band becomes famous just when they release their first single"群青日和".


However, they announced their break up on the official site. Everyone was very shocked and don't know why they break up when they were so popular.
In fact, the band was a time-limited band. They planned to disband very early. It's their decision ,and no one can change it.

Their last album "color bars" was meaningful to them. The front cover is the ending picture of TV.
like this

So ,Tokyo Jihen ,a shot-lived Japanese band ended ,but still live in the every fan's heart...

234 words

2014年10月30日 星期四



There is a rock band makes me feel incredible. They are "Aerosmith". 

The life of this band is quite long. They form the band since 1970, and they still play music today.
As usual, I love the emotion in the music.
The emotion is the most important factor in my decision that a song is good or bad.
Sometimes, they even can make me cry. Because the singer's soulful cry.

The song "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"
The song debuted at number one on the U.S. billboard hot 100(告示牌熱門100單曲) for four weeks.----- by wiki

Besides the singer, the guitar is also very sensual.
For example,the guitar is so great in the song"Cryin' ".
The fragment starts from 3'40'' is a broken high pitch which makes a great climax in this song.

My favorite song they perform is the "Dream on"(The album version)
And the live version

I like the broken voice of the singer at most. 
His voice always makes me intoxicated.

Hope you also like these songs.                     174words

2014年10月16日 星期四

Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)

Hello! This time I want to introduce a band I have practiced the most songs of it.
It’s the Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)
The representative totem of them is a skull with bat wings.

Like this

They were a metalcore band before, but they have transformed to heavy metal.
(In fact, the difference is using “screaming” in the music)
I admire that they try so many music styles.
Their songs usually use raplots of chorus, like the song: “nightmare”.
(Its MV is a little disgusting…)

They try the rockabilly(鄉村搖滾)
The song: “Dear God”( The melody of this song is quite warm and gentle.)

They combine their music with symphony. (Just prelude is symphony.)
The song: “Afterlife”

The unique song of them: “warmness on the soul”. The song is in memory of the band’s drummer who died in 2009. I have never seen them live performances of this song. The melody is so grieved.

Thanks for your listening^^